Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Home sick

 I go from a small town in North Idaho.

To this....

 I go from this. 

To this.

"Idaho. Because no matter how far away I go, or for how long.. It will always be my home I was not born here.. But i was created for this place.."

I still don't know why God called my family here. 

Someday I will.

Someday I'll have my dream job back.

Someday I'll see all my friends again.

For now I'll keep my trust in the Lord. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
    don’t rely on your own intelligence.

Know him in all your paths,

    and he will keep your ways straight.

-Proverbs 3:5-6

((Hugs)) Laura 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lazy afternoon

My afternoon. 

A light snow is falling 

Its a knee sock kind of day

I have coffee! 

I have the best mug in the world! Made by  Natasha! 

Burning candles make a house feel  happy happy happy.

Life is Good!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Trip to my grandparents house in Arkansas. This will be a really random post :) 

Playing with a AMAZING camera! 

I love snow! its like the best thing EVER! 

One night we got a ice storm

This is what snowed in looks like in Arkansas! (less then a inch)  
I love coffee!

I took this with my smart phone! 

yeah idk... 

Cleaning up my grandparents yard! 

Playing with fire is always fun :)

Coming home.. cant really see but that's the Rockys way back there.

More to come on my big city adventures :)

See you soon! Laura

Monday, February 17, 2014


Wow long time no see!  Life has been CRAZY here is a "quick"  "little"  update:)

May-September 2013  
 I was working  about 70 hours a week at Silverwood Theme park!  

September- November 2013 
I was working weekend nights at Scarywood.  I worked 4:30pm - 2am. 

We had Thanksgiving at a friends house! 

 Black friday! We left my house at 12am came home at 3am. took a nap  and left again at 6am!
After shopping I went with some friends to holiday fireworks!

We set up our friends Christmas tree!

In December my family found out we would be moving  from North Idaho to Colorado! 

December I went to a friends house to go sledding!  I was the first one down! And last.. My knee found a rock.... I took out  a chunk of my knee! ALL the way to the BONE! ( I have pics! but I'll save you from seeing all that blood!) 
 I had to go to the ER and get 10 stitches..  In all 20 something years of my life this was the FIRST time I had to go to the ER!

I love my outfit LOL!

In December my AMAZING friends had a surprise Birthday/Going Away party for me! 

 Yes  I got a pineapple! 

 My BFF made the BEST cake I have ever had! 

January 2014   moving day lots of our dear sweet friends came to help!

January moving. We had me in the Volkswagen. Dad in the moving tuck towing my car And mom in the ford with a trailer!  Took us 3 days as our top speed was like 55.. That moving truck is not fast! 

Here is a Youtube of our move :) 

There you go! I think you know as much as me now!

See you soon! Laura