Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Home sick

 I go from a small town in North Idaho.

To this....

 I go from this. 

To this.

"Idaho. Because no matter how far away I go, or for how long.. It will always be my home I was not born here.. But i was created for this place.."

I still don't know why God called my family here. 

Someday I will.

Someday I'll have my dream job back.

Someday I'll see all my friends again.

For now I'll keep my trust in the Lord. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
    don’t rely on your own intelligence.

Know him in all your paths,

    and he will keep your ways straight.

-Proverbs 3:5-6

((Hugs)) Laura 


Tasha said...

It is hard to see the Lord's purpose sometimes, especially when you're right in the middle of it. Looking back, it's easier.
I wish I could just give you a great big hug right now. I wouldn't want to live in the city, either.
(((((((big hug))))
Miss you so much!!! Thank goodness for email, blogs, and G+. :)

Unknown said...

Ahh, this made me sad, we miss you all so much but we sure want you to be in the Lord's will.

Rachel said...

This is depressing. lol :/

Schwarzen Family Missions/To Sow a Seed said...

Oh, Laura. My heart breaks for you! I know this feeling well. My first two years in WA were miserable. I wanted to be back South again so badly! But you know what? A some point, I let myself fall in love with where I was. And from then on, God was able to grow me. :-)

Jan said...

You made me cry! Love you!

Farrah said...

Awww! You and Rebecca will surely make new friends in no time with your winsome ways. Your family is much better than ours about inviting people over, too . . . and feeding them! That will help!